Maskless Briton Convicted of All 4 Charges & Sentenced to 6 Weeks’ Jail

There’s now a conclusion for the maskless British man who had been in the news for the last few months: he’s now sentenced to six weeks in jail after been convicted for all four of his charges.

Here’s what you need to know.

Maskless Briton Convicted of All 4 Charges & Sentenced to 6 Weeks’ Jail

Earlier today, it was reported that Benjamin Glynn, the man in question, was assessed to have no diagnosable mental disorders and is therefore fit to plea.

With that, he was set for a trial and was found guilty for all the four charges handed to him:

One for harassment – he allegedly used threatening words against two police officers

One for being a public nuisance – he once said “I will never wear a mask” when asked to do so by members of the public on the MRT

Two for breaching the Covid-19 (Temporary Measures) Act – you know why

For the offences, the 40-year-old has been sentenced to six weeks’ jail.

During the trial, it was also revealed that Glynn had claimed that COVID-19 was a “hoax”, and that the vaccine was bad for human health.

Kind of reminds you of a certain politician, but moving on.

According to Glynn, one of his friends had landed in intensive care after getting vaccinated.

Trial Full of Drama

As you’d have expected, there was some drama during the trial.

Glynn had asked the Deputy Public Prosecutor whether he has any more messages from his family, then said, “Maybe my dead grandma has contacted you from beyond the grave.”

Then a woman, who told the police that she’s a Singaporean, was told to leave the court because she wasn’t wearing a mask as hers has broken.

Usually we would panic and feel naked without a mask in public, but this woman refused to leave the court, shouting “kangaroo court” a few times after that.

A kangaroo court refers to an unofficial court that anyhowly tries someone even without evidence, kind of like those “make-believe” courts we held in our classrooms during primary school to kick a person out of our clique.

The woman then claimed she’s a “living woman” and said something familiar: she has no contract with the police.

Sovereign is back.

The trial had to pause as the police escorted her out of the court, which she then said that wearing a mask is unnecessary.

According to The Straits Times, she’s now detained.

Well, if she’s charged, at least she’s got company in prison.

To know the importance of masks, watch this video to the end:

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Featured Image: Facebook (Keefe Chan); Youtube (The Straits Times)

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