Benny Se Teo, The Founder of Eighteen Chefs, Has Left the Restaurant Chain 

Unless you’re so high-SES that you only dine in Paragon, you’d have known about Eighteen Chefs and have dined in one of their outlets at least once in your lifetime.

Other than the affordable western cuisine, the restaurant chain is everywhere.

The face of the chain has always been Benny Se Teo, one of the co-founders of the restaurant chain. In the past, his face would be plastered in the restaurants—even advertisements would comprise his face that reminds you of affordable salted egg crispy chicken burgers.

In recent days, you’d have realised that his face isn’t that prominent anymore.

And soon, you might never see him anymore.

Benny Se Teo, The Founder of Eighteen Chefs, Has Left the Restaurant Chain 

Anyone who knows Benny would also know about his prolific and entertaining Facebook Page, in which he’d post updates about his life and also some jokes.

Today, however, he dropped a bombshell:

Yes, the face of the restaurant chain has left the company “some weeks ago”.

According to Eighteen Chefs’ website, he is the co-founder and the CCO.

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There’s no mention on the reason why he left, but he highlighted that he left the company “on a good note”, and wished the company well.

It appears that he’s now retired as well.

So far, there’s been no update about Benny’s departure from the company on Eighteen Chefs’ social media accounts.

Eighteen Chefs, The Company That Started in 2007

The first Eighteen Chefs outlet was opened in 2007 at Eastpoint Mall by Benny as he had difficulty finding a job due to his status as an ex-offender and former drug addict.

The restaurant chain is popular for employing ex-offenders.

In addition, the company also has a franchise model (which means the outlet you’re in now might be a franchise), with one of the conditions being that they have to employ ex-offenders.

The chain currently has 10 outlets in Singapore.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Benny Se Teo)

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