About 50 People Caught Not Wearing Masks in Public on 1st Day of New Rule

Since yesterday, almost everyone in public looks a lot better. Some even look like Song Joongki.

Image: Kpop Hit

That’s because everyone in Singapore now has to wear a mask when he or she is in public; if you die-die don’t want to wear one, you’d be $300 poorer.

And yesterday, 50 of them might returned half of Ah Gong’s money back to Ah Gong.

About 50 People Caught Not Wearing Masks in Public on 1st Day of New Rules

Yesterday was the first day that masks were made compulsory for everyone, and there won’t be any warning or advisory; if you’re caught without a mask, you’d be fined immediately.

Goody Feed has an exclusive image of a group of soldiers following the rules religiously because soldiers are trained not to test the system:

According to the Minister for the Environment and Water Resources Masagos Zulkifli, who now even wore a mask on his Facebook, majority of us are doing just that.

But still, about 50 people were caught to be in public space without a mask.

The masked-up Masagos said that was a good sign, and he hoped that it would come down to zero tomorrow.

However, it’s unknown if those 50 people were fined or not.

But there were 150 people who would definitely be fined as they breached the safe-distancing measures.

Here’s his post:

In case you’re wondering why you’re seeing the name Masagos Zulkifli so often nowadays instead of our usual dude Lawrence Wong, it’s because the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources is actually set up for these three purposes:

  • Provide a quality living environment and a high standard of public health
  • Manage water cycle
  • Protect the spread of communicable diseases

Now, that makes sense le, doesn’t it?

In addition, the ministry also manages the National Environment Agency (NEA) and Public Utilities Board (PUB), which you’d understand why you’d see Mr Masagos and his masked face more often nowadays.

Reader Bao: Oh, is it because they’re going to do something to our water?

You’re hopeless.

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