Food is undoubtedly a touchy subject, god forbid someone insults your favourite laksa place.
So I completely understand why a food war was triggered after a clueless British Lady called Nasi Lemak “Wickedly Bad”.
Did you just call one of my favourite and most sinful foods in the whole wide world “wickedly bad!?

British Lady Starts Food War When She Called Nasi Lemak ‘Wickedly Bad’
A British Lady named Katie Morley took to Twitter to share her experience with being served Nasi Lemak on British Airways during a 13-hour flight.
In the name of public interest, am sharing this wickedly bad meal British Airways treated me to during a 13hr flight. Behold: chicken curry served with anaemic boiled egg, topped with smelly, slimy anchovies. ANCHOVIES. I quite like plane food usually, and this was a 0/10 ?
— Katie Morley (@KatieMorley_) January 15, 2020
She even went so far as to give it a rating of 0/10. It’s not even a 1/10.
Her twitter post has since garnered a whopping 1.1k shares and 1.2k comments by disgruntled netizens.

She also said, “Behold: chicken curry served with anaemic boiled egg, topped with smelly, slimy anchovies. ANCHOVIES.”
Firstly, Nasi Lemak is not chicken curry, and ikan bilis is not smelly or slimy.
Netizens Not Happy
Of course, any harsh criticism on something netizens love dearly will draw flak. This case was no different.
Remember when that Youtuber insulted Singapore Airlines and throngs of netizens barged in to disagree?
Similarly, netizens were not happy.
Awww look a Karen is whining about food with flavours . It must have been hard for her to taste something other than salt and pepper
— Salmah from English Department (@saintfag_666) January 16, 2020
in the name of public interest i present to you a white woman thrown into the wilderness of… food from other cultures lmao sit down katie and eat your bland mashed potato
— jvee (@jiavernn) January 16, 2020
The sarcasm is palpable in the snarky replies to the British lady, so much that I actually feel bad for her.
British Lady Replies
Katie Morley later posted another tweet acknowledging the various messages she has received from Malaysians regarding her Nasi Lemak post.
She explained that she had never eaten it before and “meant no offence”.
She also explained that many people had pointed out that British Airways had probably served a poor version of the dish.
“Sure it can be lovely & hope to try the real thing one day!”
Many Malaysians have got in touch to say the meal I tweeted about yday is a popular national dish. I’d not come across it before & meant no offence. As many have pointed out, I was clearly served a v poor version by BA. Sure it can be lovely & hope to try the real thing one day!
— Katie Morley (@KatieMorley_) January 16, 2020
At the end of the day, I’m glad that despite the truckload of insults and flak she received, she chose to be the bigger person and apologise.
Indeed, it’s never nice to insult another country’s cuisine and if you really truly do not like it, it may be a wise option to keep your opinions off social media.
Better to be safe than sorry, right?