Canadian PM’s Wife Tested Positive for COVID-19; PM to Isolate Himself

It seems that the COVID-19 isn’t picky when it comes to choosing victims seeing as a couple of high profile people have already been infected with the virus as of late.

The coronavirus outbreak is spreading rapidly on a global scale but inside and outside of Singapore.

And the latest high profile victim is…

Canadian PM’s Wife Tested Positive for COVID-19; PM to Isolate Himself

The wife of Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau has tested positive for the coronavirus after she made a trip to the United Kingdom.

Sophie Grégoire Trudeau announced on Thursday evening that she had tested positive for the COVID-19 and will stay in isolation for the next two weeks.

No worries though, because her symptoms are described as mild.

She said in a statement, “Although I’m experiencing uncomfortable symptoms of the virus, I will be back on my feet soon. Being in quarantine at home is nothing compared to other Canadian families who might be going through this and for those facing more serious health concerns.”

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Prime Minister Remains In Good Health

There’s more good news too. The prime minister reportedly is “in good health with no symptoms” according to his office.

However, he will be taking precautionary measures and will be working remotely for the next two weeks. He has plans to address Canadians on Friday.

There were fears that Grégoire Trudeau was infected with the COVID-19 while in London and this lead the prime minister to work from home.

He had planned a meeting with premiers to talk about the economic fallout from the coronavirus, as well as the plunge in oil prices, noting that the country relies heavily on the export of fossil fuels.

The Situation In Canada

The country’s heavy reliance on the export of fossil fuels leads to people being worried that Canada may fall into a recession.

On Wednesday, the government announced that there was a $1bn dollar plan to address concerns about the virus. This includes funding for medical research.

Trudeau’s plan to self-isolate isn’t the first. Just recently, trade minister Mary Ng and natural resources minister Seamus O’Regan chose to self isolate as well.

This was after both O’Regan and Trudeau attended a large mining conference involving 25,000 people in Toronto where one person was later found to be infected with the COVID-19.

All 25,000 people who were present have been ordered by health officials to be on the lookout for any symptoms of the virus.

Besides them, new Democratic Party leader Jagmeet Singh also chose to self-isolate after he felt ill.

“I have been in contact with a doctor and they do not believe I have symptoms consistent with Covid-19. But their advice is for me to limit contact with the public until I am feeling better,” he tweeted.

Canada currently has 140 confirmed cases of the coronavirus and one death. On Thursday, seventeen new cases were announced in Ontario, which is the most populous province.

The new cases did not arise through community spread. Instead, the victims had recently travelled out of the country.

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