Doggo Dutifully Escorts Family’s Kids To School Bus & Waits Till They Safely Board Every Morning

You know, I don’t know what the human race has done to deserve dogs.

They are absolutely adorable, and the best companions one can ask for. They are extremely loyal and will never betray you (unlike human beings).

Image: Giphy

There have been countless heartwarming stories of dogs that make you go aww. 

Here’s another one for you.

Waiting For The Bus Together

Do you know how parents are hardworking at the start? They will send you to school every day or accompany you until you have boarded the bus. However, at a certain age, they just get lazy or busy, and you might have to wait for the school bus alone.

Well, not if this amazing doggo can do something about it.

Every morning, this enormous mastiff dog waits for his tiny little humans to get into the bus.

He will only come back to the house after the girls have boarded the bus.

You can watch the video here.

In the video, you can clearly see the mastiff towering over the two tiny girls, standing guard over them.

Once the girls have entered the school bus and the doors close, the mastiff obediently comes back to the house.

Such a good boy!

Gordon, the mastiff, is also viral on Facebook after its owner published photos and videos of the dog patiently waiting for the girls.

Gordon stays with his human family of four, one dad, one mom and two little girls in Michigan.

Every morning without fail, no matter rain or shine, Gordon will perform his morning ritual of safeguarding and accompanying the children to

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