Everything About The Commonwealth Murders That Happened in S’pore in 2019

The Commonwealth murders happened in Singapore in 2019. A young man, Gabriel Lien Goh, decided to commit two murders that shocked the nation.

Not only did he kill the woman that carried and gave birth to him but he also killed his grandmother.

Aren’t your grandparents suppose to be the one you love more than your parents because they are the people who will not hesitate when it comes to spoiling you?

Here’s a breakdown of the Commonwealth murders case that happened on Sunday.

Had An Argument With His Mother

According to Shin Min Daily News, the 22-year-old suspect, Gabriel Lien Goh, had an argument with his mother, 56-year-old Lee Soh Mui.

It was said that he had stabbed his mother with a knife out of anger.

Goh’s 90-year-old grandmother and their domestic helper went to the room to check on the mother and son when they heard them quarrelling in the room.

Imagine the horror when they found Lee bleeding profusely when they opened the door. Bloodstains were on the floor – all the way from the bedside to the door.

It was like a scene from a horror movie.

Like what anyone would have done, his grandma and domestic helper tried to run away from him.

While the domestic helper was able to escape, his grandma wasn’t as lucky. She was stopped by him from running away along the corridor right before the adjacent unit.

It was believed that he had hit his grandma to death before running to the ground floor, where he allegedly attacked innocent passers-by.

The Attack At The Ground Floor Of The Block 

It was as if Goh had lost his mind and spared no mercy for anyone in his sight. He had already killed two of his own blood. What’s to stop him from killing an outsider?

According to an eyewitness, 49-year-old KC Lam, Goh, who was barefooted at that time, was dressed in a sleeveless shirt and shorts. He had bloodstains on his right hand and was seen walking in front of people who were on their way to prayers.

He turned around and seemingly confronted the group.

Lam tried to calm Goh down, but Goh became more violent instead.

Goh had aggressive eye contact and was trying to challenge everybody.

Another witness, 63-year-old Han Dong Guan told The Straits Times that he heard Goh say, “Call the Government to talk to me,” to Lam.

Lam even got hit in an attempt to calm Goh down.

Eventually, Goh was stopped by four to five men before the police arrived.

The Maid’s Escape 

While all that was happening, the maid was on a run for her life.

After she had escaped from Goh’s wrath, she messaged another domestic helper who lives at the third storey for help.

She had asked if she could hide in her house but the helper did not respond in time.

At the third storey, she bumped into a resident and pleaded for help.

The poor domestic helper was scared to wit’s end and was mumbling “Please, please”, and according to the resident, she said something about being afraid that she would be killed.

The resident comforted her while she hid behind a clothes rack along the corridor.

After a few minutes, fearful that Goh would come after her, the domestic helper ran across the road to Block 6.


His Mother Singlehandly Brought Goh And His Brother Up 

Lee had been a teacher for 35 years.

Of the 35 years, she had spent 17 years at Queenstown Secondary School, according to the principal.

Aside from being a passionate and caring teacher who would organise events to enrich student’s learning, she was also a member of the Down Syndrome Association (Singapore).

Image: Facebook (Lee Soh Mui)

She looks like the kind of teacher who would go the extra mile for a student. 

Besides her career, Lee also single-handedly brought up her two sons after her husband passed away in 1999 due to illness.


Goh was only two years old then.

The Murderer was a Vice President Of His School’s Muay Thai Club 

Before he turned into a vicious murderer, he used to be the vice-president of Ngee Ann Polytechnic Muay Thai in 2016.

He seemed to be a pretty enthusiastic Muay Thai practitioner and had even won a medal before.

The Muay Thai enthusiast was seen with cuts and bruises across the right side of his face and a swollen right hand when he appeared in court on 28 Oct.

His brother was accompanied by about 12 relatives and family friends at the court hearing.

Goh Will Be Sent For Psychiatric Observation 

According to TODAYOnline, Goh will be sent to the Changi Medical Centre for psychiatric observation for three weeks.

He is scheduled to return to the State Courts for a further mention of his case on 18 Nov.

If convicted, Goh could face the death penalty.



A Day Filled With Murders 

This was actually the second suspected murder on Sunday.

Earlier on Sunday, an alleged murder had taken place at Block 663 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 6.

A 54-year-old woman who was believed to have been the wife to the 63-year-old Singaporean man who was found dead was arrested and charged for murder on Monday.

Let’s not use resort to violence when there’s a dispute. Talk it out and perhaps things will not turn out as ugly.

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