Stop yourselves if you were planning to join the massive queue of Singaporeans at the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) building to rush your passport renewal process—
The ICA announced on Saturday (13 June) that walk-ins will only be accepted from passport applicants if they were notified to collect their passports, provide supporting documents, and/or resubmit photographs.
(So no point queuing just to rush them anymore.)
Process Reviewed to Facilitate Passport Issuance
The ICA said on their Facebook page that their officers are working hard to process the passport applications.

“We seek Singaporeans’ understanding on our revised process to only allow walk-in for specific passport matters during this period,” said the post.
For those unaware, ICA has been flooded with a surge of passport renewal applications since March.
More than 5,000 passports are issued on the daily, making it almost three times the number pre-pandemic in 2019.
A no-brainer as many started to plan for overseas travel as travel restrictions were relaxed worldwide.
Online Appeals Still Accepted
Currently, those who need their passports urgently can only submit an appeal online at to quicken the process.
But you cannot go down physically like before with supporting documents at the ICA building for assessment on a case-by-case basis.
Those who wish to check on their passport renewal status can also do so by logging in to MyICA.
However, if you do not have Internet access or know someone who is not able to do their appeals online—you can head to the ICA building to submit passport-related appeals online.
Advised to do Passport Collection Alone
Applicants who need to visit the ICA building for passport or non-passport related matters are advised to do so alone to reduce crowds.
But children or elderly who may need assistance are allowed to be accompanied by one other person.
Make sure to have these documents at hand when you do want to enter the ICA building for your passport collection:
- an E-appointment booking for passport collection at the ICA building;
- Manual collection slip for passport collection; or
- Online notification or pink notification card stating that the passport is ready for collection
For those who need to re-enter to re-submit your photograph or other supporting documents, make sure you have:
- the E-mail notification to submit supporting documents or;
- the Online notification to re-submit your photograph.
Featured Image: Tang Yan Song /