Growth of Wuhan Virus Cases Hits 2K Per Day; Now At 11,791 With 259 Deaths

By now, you would have known that Singapore already has 16 confirmed cases of the Wuhan coronavirus, and a Singaporean has been reported to be one of those who have been infected.

The 47-year-old was one of the 92 Singaporeans who were evacuated from Wuhan via a Scoot flight and displayed no symptoms upon leaving. However, when she landed in Changi Airport, she was discovered to be running a temperature.

She was immediately taken to the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID) and tested positive for the coronavirus at 2pm yesterday.

Singapore is, unfortunately, not the only country that has an increase in the number of cases.

More Infected, More Deaths

According to authorities in Hubei province, the one that took the hardest-hit, the death toll has now increased to 259, with 45 new fatalities in Hubei province and one in Chongqing.

The provincial health commission also reported that there have been 2,102 new cases as of yesterday, bringing the national total up to 11,791.

This is scary because the growth of Wuhan virus cases is already hitting the 2K mark per day.

The top Communist Party official in Wuhan, the heart where it all began, spoke of their “remorse” as local authorities didn’t respond to the dire situation fast enough, which ultimately led to the current state of the virus.

The virus is suspected to have emerged in December, but it wasn’t until last week before China’s central government decided that they had to put Wuhan and the surrounding Hubei province in a state of lockdown to curb the spread of the virus. They also stopped any form of travel across the nation.

However, as many Chinese people travelled across the country and overseas for Chinese New Year, the virus has now reached more than 20 countries.

Global Efforts

The World Health Organisation (WHO) also made a declaration that this is a global health emergency, but clarified that they were not going to recommend any international trade or travel restrictions.

Countries have also rushed to evacuate their nationals who were in Wuhan via catered flights and quarantined those on board the moment they landed for at least two weeks to attempt to control the spread within their own countries.

We can only pray that this epidemic will end soon and pray for the safety of everyone.

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