KFC S’pore Is Letting You Write a Message to Meals That They’ll be Sending to Frontline Staff in SGH

When you think of KFC, you think of one thing.

Reader: Where I went on my first date?

What? No.

Reader: Where I had my first kiss?

Again, no. And what KFC joint was this where you could just make out in front of everyone?

Reader: Oh well, you see it was because-

Never mind, I don’t want to know.

You see, for most people, when you think of KFC, you think of fried chicken.

Image: Shutterstock.com/Sapadia Aku

Is there anything better than munching on a juicy drumstick from our favourite fried chicken establishment?

Well, it seems like KFC is offering a totally new and different item these days: love.

Reader: Oh, they always had that, baby.

Please get out of here.

KFC S’pore Is Letting You Write a Message to Meals That They’ll Be Sending to Frontline Staff in SGH

The Covid-19 virus continues to infect people in Singapore.

Just yesterday, three new cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 89. And sadly, healthcare workers in the frontline have been shunned by members of the public even after all the hassle they go through on a daily basis.

That’s why KFC Singapore introduced an initiative that’ll let members of the public send messages of goodwill to healthcare workers.

In a Facebook post, the fast-food establishment announced that they’ll be sending “finger-lickin good” meals to to the front-line team in Singapore General Hospital and that they will slot in message cards with “your voices” included.

Image: Facebook (KFC Singapore)

KFC will be sending these meals on three different days: 24 Feb, 26 Feb, and 2 Mar.

Image: Facebook (KFC Singapore)

Their post says “Let’s show our appreciation towards the team that made selfless sacrifices and put in all the hard work in fighting the Covid-19”.

They encouraged the public to “Join #KFCcares and leave a message to cheer them on”.

So, if you want to send a message of goodwill to the healthcare workers at SGH, all you have to do is leave your message in the comment section of their Facebook post. 


Their post has gotten quite a response, with over 100 comments and 80 shares. Many netizens used this as an opportunity to thank those at the frontline for their sacrifice, hard work, and dedication.

Image: Facebook (KFC Singapore)

Image: Facebook (KFC Singapore)

Doctors and nurses have a tough enough job without an epidemic to deal with. Let’s show them the appreciation they deserve.

A little kindness can go a long way.

Though I’m not sure if a wild doctor will appear and say, “Oei! Now we war against Covid-19 but you all forget we still fighting war against diabetes ah?”

Doctors – the unsung heroes we always have a love-hate relationship with.

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