Okay, cards on the table. How many of us consult google the moment we feel ill?

It’s pretty common, so don’t feel too bad about it if you do.
But at the end of the day, it’s always best to consult a professional because Google isn’t always reliable in giving an accurate diagnosis.
This particular mother didn’t get the memo:
Mum Misdiagnoses Son’s Illness With Google & Kept Him Home When He Really Needs A Doctor
Mothers will undoubtedly want the best for their child, but unfortunately for this particular mom, a wrong move almost proved detrimental to her child’s wellbeing.
According to China Press, A Taiwanese mother Googled for remedies online after her son fell sick with a fever.
A website she found online advised her that the best thing to do was to let her son rest and recover at home to “heal naturally”.
The website also said, “a fever is just the body’s immune system recovering, there’s no need to be too nervous. Just observe for a few days and everything will be good.”
Symptoms Worsened
After two days, her son developed even more symptoms, including “strawberry tongue”.
After consulting Google yet again, the mother was informed that her son had symptoms of either adenovirus, scarlet fever or Kawasaki disease.

At first, she thought it was adenovirus but since there was no medicine for it, she let her son stay home.
Two days later, his son developed a rash, and she thought that it was a roseola rash. Hence, she didn’t feel worried.
It was only six days later when her son had a persistent high fever that she began to worry.
After consulting her best friend the internet, she suspected that he was ill with Kawasaki disease. This was when she finally took his son to the hospital.
The Real Diagnosis
Her son was actually found to have chapped lips, red and swollen palms and feet, red-eye sand “strawberry tongue”.
After more checks, they diagnosed him with Kawasaki disease. Lest you’re unaware, Kawasaki disease causes inflammation in the walls of arteries in your body and primarily affects kids.

Those infected with the disease will have to take long-term medication for their hearts.
It’s a good thing that the mother eventually brought her son to the hospital for treatment, although she should have definitely sent him for a check-up earlier.
We’re glad that her son is receiving proper medical attention now. Let this be a reminder to all of us to not put our blind trust on the internet.