‘Sovereign’ Lady to Be Charged on 5 May; Law Minister Weighs in On Her Actions

You’d have known about the Sovereign lady; fondly known as Barney to some, the lady who doesn’t have any traits related to Barney gained nationwide attention when various videos of how she disregarded the laws went viral.

Some people wondered what’d happen to her, especially so when there was another unverified image of her buying food without a mask being circulated online yesterday.

So, what’s her fate? Was she really arrested, since she could be seen buying food and showing off her teeth again? Why is she always in purple and white?

While we can’t answer the last question, we now have the answer to the first question.

‘Sovereign’ Lady to Be Charged on 5 May

Singapore Police Force has kindly answered the burning question in our mind.

Reader Bao: Wait, SPF knows when McDonald’s will be open?

No, not that question. This:

Lest you can’t read what the men and women in blue wrote:


On 4 May 2020 at about 9.10 pm, the Police arrested the 40-year-old Singaporean woman who had assaulted a member of the public, caused public nuisance, and was not wearing a mask at Shunfu Mart yesterday.

The woman will be charged in court on 5 May 2020.

Everyone should take the circuit breaker measures seriously. The Police will not tolerate such blatant disregard of the law and wilful breaches of safe distancing measures. Let us all do our part to curb the spread of COVID-19.

On, yes, that means she was once again arrested yesterday night and would be charged today.

That’s fast.

And their boss has something to say about this, too.

K Shanmugam Sc: More to It Than Meets The Eyes

The Minister for Law and Home Affairs K. Shanmugam has spoken about the issue, and when even he has to check up on what “Sovereign” refers to, you can bet that it’s indeed a very new here in Singapore.

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He gave an update on the situation, and said that people like her who rejects the authorities should not live within society and expect benefits from our system of governance.

Here’s his post:

Lest you can’t read:

In the past few days, several have shared a video of a lady, refusing to obey instructions from officers, not wearing a mask, and saying she is “Sovereign”.

The same lady had some days ago, also refused to wear a mask in a market.

She is being investigated for both incidents.

I checked up what she might have meant by referring to “Sovereign”.

There is a movement in the US, and adherents to that movement, (broadly speaking) reject Government, reject the police and any kind of authority.


Well and good. But then such people should not live within society – she should not expect any of the benefits that come from this system of governance, including her security, medical care, other benefits.

If she doesn’t follow the rules and (say) ends up infecting someone – why should society accept that? Or if she falls ill herself, she will be imposing a medical burden on the rest of the society – whose rules she rejects, presumably.

Very odd.

Usually, in such cases, there will be more to it than meets the eye.

Of course, you’d wonder: simi is a Sovereign?


Here’s a Goody-Feed-style explanation.

Sovereign Citizen Movement

You see, without laws, we’d end up like the kids in Lord of the Flies: people will anyhowly commit acts just for self-interest because we all have a black heart by nature.

For example, some of us have resisted kicking the community cats in a void deck like a soccer ball primarily due to the laws.

Simply put, a Sovereign citizen is one who thinks that they’re free from these laws imposed on them because, erm, they’ve not consented to them.

Wait, what?

Image: mrwgifs.com

It’s a movement in the US, because let’s face it: the word “freedom” is used so broadly there, they even have a statue for it.

But of course someone needs to tell the Sovereign lady that even visits to the Statue of Liberty have been closed due to COVID-19, so if she still insists on being a Sovereign citizen who’s not bound by any law, she should learn a lesson or two from the queen of freedom.

In the meantime, we’d all be anxiously waiting on how she’ll react in court. Pretty sure we need a very calm prosecutor today, if not the prosecutor is going to have high blood pressure for days.



You can read more about her antics here and here.

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