If you live in Singapore, chances are you’ve been keeping up to date with the latest updates on the outbreak.
Lest you’re unaware, our sunny island is home to one of the largest numbers of novel coronavirus cases.
So yeah, there is a need to stay informed and here’s how you can do it without having to scour through multiple articles in search of numbers and figures like:

And so…
These Three Websites Provide ‘Easy-To-Understand’ Tracking of Covid-19 Cases in S’pore
MOH: COVID-19 Situation Dashboard

The first website you should definitely keep bookmarked on your computer is none other than the MOH: COVID-19 Situation Dashboard.
It’s a collaboration between the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Singapore Land Authority.
Everything on the website is super easy to understand because there are few numbers and it features a very clean and simple layout.
That said, it keeps you up to date with all the essential information such as confirmed cases, hospitalised patients and discharged patients which are illustrated clearly using a graph.
You can access it here.
SG Wuhan

SG Wuhan presents you with an interactive map of Singapore with pinpointed locations of infected cases based on publicly available information from MOH.
However, do bear in mind that this website is not affiliated or endorsed in any way by any government agency.
Also, please hor, remember this: it is also not necessary to avoid the places which have been pinpointed by the website.
The only point of the website is to help display the MOH updates into a simple to understand visual format.
You can access the website here.

Wuhanvirus.sg features the most vibrant colours out of the three websites. It also includes charts of coronavirus case nationalities, age and gender distribution and coronavirus clusters.
There’s also a map that displays the timeline of the outbreak and pinpoints where past patients have been infected in Singapore and the various coronavirus clusters such as the Grace Assembly of God church cluster.
You can access the website here.
At the end of the day though, what’s most important is to take care of ourselves and exercise proper personal hygiene.
Let’s all rally together and support our healthcare workers in our fight against the novel coronavirus.