Youths Rang HDB Flat Doorbell at 2:40am as a Prank; Apologised After Video Went Viral

April Fool’s is still more than a week away, but some of us are more excited than others about 1 April.

Two youths decided to pull a pre-April Fool’s prank by ringing the doorbell of an HDB flat, not in the morning, not in the afternoon, but in the wee hours of the night at 2:40 am.

As you’d expect, the victim of the prank wasn’t too happy about it.

Here’s what you need to know about it.

Youths Rang HDB Flat Doorbell at 2:40 am as a Prank; Gets Stomped

On Thursday (16 March), at around 2:40 am, two youths decided it would be a good idea to pull a prank on an unsuspecting, probably sound-asleep resident at Kallang Residences.

According to CCTV footage from the prank victim, the two youths were initially loitering outside the victim’s unit.

Image: Stomp

One of the youths, smirking, then ran up to the victim’s unit and pushed the doorbell.

Image: Stomp

They then pulled the most incredible escape ever known to humankind—running away. It’s no Houdini escape, but it’s an honest living.

Image: Stomp

The resident at the unit was woken up by the sound of the doorbell but opened the door to nothing but the cold breeze of the night.

“We thought there was something important, such that someone would look for us in the middle of the night,” the resident shared.

It was only until the unfortunate resident checked his CCTV footage that he realised he’d just been pranked by two youths.

Well, at least he can be sure that Kallang Residences won’t be next on the list of “Top 10 Most Haunted HDBs in Singapore”.

For their cheekiness, the youths faced the Singaporean version of a fate worse than death—being Stomped.

Youths Apologised for the Prank After CCTV Footage of Prank Went Viral

The CCTV footage of the two youths’ prank went viral. And once your face is plastered everywhere online, there’s only one option left: apologise.

And that’s precisely what the youths did.

The youths returned to the unit and apologised for their prank on the resident.

According to the prank victim, the youths only pulled the prank on his unit. Fortunately, his neighbours slept soundly through the night without being rudely awakened by their doorbells.

A police report has been lodged regarding the prank.

The resident also shared that his family fell victim to a shoe theft case last July.

This resident really is down on his luck… Perhaps it’s time to bring in a feng shui master.

According to the resident, the youth who stole the resident’s shoes had a similar build to one of the youths who pulled the doorbell prank.

We hope pranks like these don’t become the next big TikTok trend.

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