YouTuber PewDiePie Said M’sia & S’pore Fans Are ‘Hectic’ & ‘Screamish’

PewDiePie is probably one of the most well-known YouTubers to ever exist. With over 100 million subscribers on his YouTube channel and garnering over hundreds of millions on each of his videos, Swedish YouTuber Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg came to Malaysia and Singapore a few years ago and recently took to his YouTube channel to talk about us.

Let’s just say it isn’t really that good.

“Hectic” & “Screamish”

In a 21-minute video that he posted on 28 December, he answered fan questions, one of which was about how his fans reacted to seeing him.

He later shared that fans from different countries reacted differently to him, and added that he found the fans in Malaysia and Singapore to be “hectic” and “screamish”.

In his exact words, he said, “Like if you go to countries like Malaysia and Singapore, people are very hectic and screamish and crazy and they lose their minds when they see you. They do all this crazy stuff.”

Image: Giphy

He goes on to clarify that it wasn’t that he didn’t like meeting his fans. It’s quite the opposite actually. It was just that he preferred it when people treated him normally.

He said, “I don’t like when people scream or get freaked out. I understand that people get excited, but that’s not what I’m against. I think there is a culture to treat people more than they are and that annoys me.”

Well, I guess if you were to be placed in his shoes, you probably wouldn’t want to be disturbed every so often especially when you’re having your own personal time with your partner or even family.

Plus, I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t know what to do either if you saw hundreds or even thousands of faces screaming at you.

Image: Giphy

The Things Some Fans Do

In the video, he was also asked about what he feels when someone tries to sneak a photograph of him when he is out in public.

He believes that this “stealth photo move” is rude and “extremely cringey”. He then talked about an experience in Italy where a fan tried to sneakily take a photograph of him. He said, “I hate the fact that people look at me like I’m some sort of attraction. I’m a person like everyone else and I want to be treated like a person. I don’t think that is too much to ask.”

He later also talked about his experience in Kuala Lumpur in a vlog when he was there for a vacation with his then-girlfriend (now wife) Marzia Bisognin.

He said that there were some fans who wanted a few photos from different angles when they met him. He also saw certain tweets by netizens who were apparently tracking where he went when he was there.

Back in 2013, he also uploaded a vlog of when he was in Singapore and he was unexpectedly met by a group of his fans at his hotel lobby.

It’s important to note that YouTubers and celebrities are all humans too and they deserve privacy. It is normal to be excited but before you do anything, please think about them and how they would feel.

You might not feel like you’re disturbing them but if you were on a private vacation with your loved ones, would you still be able to enjoy the holiday with constant streams of people coming up to you?

While it is true that they may have chosen this life of letting part of their lives be public, let them have their own private time and personal space as well.

So remember guys, the next time you see PewDiePie, don’t be “hectic” or “screamish”!

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