Experts Are Warning Us to Keep a Longer Distance From People Who Are Jogging

Circuit breaker measures have been implemented in Singapore, which bans social gatherings of any size both in public or private spaces.

They were implemented to prevent further spread of the coronavirus in Singapore or to break the circuit.

That said, one activity remains approved amidst this trying times and it is exercising outdoors, albeit with certain limitations.

But now, experts are asking us to keep a longer distance away from others while doing so, contrary to the government’s advice to keep 1 metre apart from others while out jogging.

Experts Are Warning Us to Keep a Longer Distance From People Who Are Jogging

An Australian doctor has warned us to “steer clear” of other runners while we’re out exercising.

Both public and private gyms (condo gyms) have been closed, so it’s understandable that more people would be out and about to get some cardio in.

But does it pose a danger to yourself and others?

Journalist and medical professional Dr Norman Swan said that he “steers clear” of runners because of the alarming levels of risky body secretions.

Beware of Bodily Secretions & The Breath

He warns others to be wary of joggers as their bodily secretions are “flicking” everywhere.

“If joggers invade your personal space they are flicking whatever secretions they’ve got,” he said.

However, there is no proof yet that the coronavirus can be found in sweat, however, it is known to be located in stools and other bodily fluids.

Thus, he advises others to avoid contact with others’ sweat as well.

It makes sense given that we don’t know everything about the highly contagious coronavirus just yet.

It’s not just bodily secretions though, because his biggest concern when it comes to those out and about jogging isn’t their sweat, it’s their breath.

“Sweat isn’t the only secretion you emit when you’re in physical exertion jogging down the road,” he said.

“As you’re breathing up and breathing fast, if you’ve got virus there you are more likely to be aerosolising it,” Dr Swan added.



Steer Clear Of Runners Coming Towards You

He suggests that if runners have the coronavirus and are jogging, they are breathing more rapidly and thus could actually “be spraying it out more than normal”.

“When I’m out running I steer clear of other people and I certainly steer clear of runners coming towards me because these in a sense project that bigger tidal volume, that bigger depth of breathing and rapid breathing, if they had Covid-19 then they could actually be spraying it out more than normal.”

Image: tenor

Another study done by the KU Leuven (Belgium) and TU Eindhoven (Netherlands) also found that the 1-metre distancing rule might only be effective when you’re standing still, but when you go for a walk or run, the particles may stay behind in the air.

The person running behind then goes through this cloud of droplets.

Image: Medium

“People who sneeze or cough spread droplets with a bigger force, but also people who just breathe will leave particles behind”.

Running through that cloud of droplets can make them land on your clothing.

Image: Medium

How Runners Can Keep A Distance

Of course, it doesn’t seem reasonable to not go out to exercise completely if you really need to.

Hence, here are some precautions you can take when out and about exercising.

Dr Michael Head, a senior research fellow in global health at the University of Southampton, suggested that runners can keep their distance by ensuring you’re roughly the length of two standard supermarket trolleys between you.

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